Dance Levels
All of our entry level classes are based on age groups unless otherwise specified. Each class has an individual description in Dance Studio Pro with attire requirements.
Parent/Child generally ages 1.5-3
Creative Dance/Creative Ballet ages 3-5
Tippy Toe (Tap/Ballet) ages 4-6
Kinder - any student in kindergarten. Generally ages 5-6
Elementary - any student in elementary school. Generally ages 7-12
Level I - generally students aged 10+ or by placement
Level II-IV by placement/audition only
Teen/Adult - generally 13-Adult
We follow ADTA (Acro Dance Teacher’s Association).
Toddler Acro ages 1.5-3
Preschool Acro ages 3-5
Pre-Jr Acro ages 5-6
Acro 101 ages 6-12
Foundation of Acro ages 6-12
Acro Levels
Side Barre ;)
Dance is an ever-developing and changing art form. As ballet developed into modern and jazz, and those developed into contemporary, the spectrum of what is what can at times seem blurred. Because of this, Modern/Contemporary classes or Lyrical/Contemporary classes may be combined on our schedules.